Encyclopedia > List of cryptology topics

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List of cryptology topics

This page aims to list terms that are related to cryptology. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on "Related changes" in the sidebar and on the bottom of the page. Some of these terms do not have an article on Wikipedia yet: their presence here is intended to stimulate the creation of new articles on these topics.

The list is not necessarily complete or up to date - if you see an article that should be here but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here but is), please do update the page accordingly.

Table of contents

Digits and symbols 3DES -- A Adi Shamir -- Advanced Encryption Standard -- AES -- Alan Turing -- Leone Battista Alberti -- algebraic cryptanalysis[?] -- anonymous remailer -- Arthur Scherbius[?] -- asymmetric key algorithm -- Atbash cipher -- B Babington plot -- bit-flipping attack[?] -- Bletchley Park -- blinding (cryptography)[?] -- block cipher -- block cipher modes of operation -- Blowfish encryption algorithm -- Blum Blum Shub -- Boris Hagelin[?] -- Bruce Schneier -- brute force attack -- C Caesar cipher -- chaffing and winnowing -- cipher -- cipher-block chaining -- ciphertext -- Claude Shannon -- Clipper chip[?] --Clifford Cocks[?] -- code -- codebook[?] -- codec -- Cold War -- confusion and diffusion[?] -- courier[?] -- covert channel -- covertext[?] -- cryptanalysis -- crypto[?] -- cryptographers -- cryptographic algorithm[?] -- cryptographic key -- cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator -- cryptography -- cryptology -- D Daniel J. Bernstein -- Data Encryption Standard -- David Kahn[?] -- decryption -- DeCSS -- DES -- dictionary attack -- differential cryptanalysis -- differential power analysis[?] -- Diffie-Hellman -- digital fingerprint[?] -- digital signature -- digital watermark -- dining cryptographers protocol -- diplomatic bag[?] -- E Echelon -- Edward Hebern[?] -- electronic cash[?] -- electronic codebook -- El Gamal[?] -- Elizabeth Friedman[?] -- elliptic curve cryptography -- encryption -- Enigma -- entropy pool[?] --espionage -- F Feistel network[?] -- G GCHQ -- Gilbert Vernam[?] -- GOST[?] -- GPG -- group (mathematics) H hardware random number generator -- hash function -- Henryk Zygalski[?] -- I IACR -- IDEA encryption algorithm -- IKE -- index of coincidence -- information theory -- International Data Encryption Algorithm -- invisible ink -- IPSec -- IPv6 -- Iraqi Block Cipher -- ISAKAMP[?] -- J Jerzy Rozycki -- Joan Daemen[?] -- K Kasiski attack[?] -- Kerckhoffs' principle -- key escrow -- key exchange[?] -- KGB -- known-ciphertext attack[?] -- known-plaintext attack[?] -- L Leonard Adleman -- letter-substitution cipher[?] -- linear cryptanalysis -- Lucifer cipher[?] -- M man-in-the-middle attack -- Marian Rejewski -- Mars encryption algorithm[?] -- Martin Hellman[?] -- MD4[?] -- MD5 -- message digest -- microdot[?] -- monoalphabetic substitution[?] -- N nonce (cryptography)[?] -- NSA -- null cipher -- number theory -- O One-time pad -- P Permissive Action Link -- Phil Zimmermann -- PKI -- plaintext -- polyalphabetic substitution -- Polybius square[?] -- Pretty Good Privacy -- pseudo-random number generator -- public key crytography[?] -- Purple code -- Q Quantum Cryptography -- R Ralph Merkle -- RC4 -- RC4 cipher -- RC5 encryption algorithm -- RC6 encryption algorithm -- related-key attack[?] -- RIPEMD-160 -- Ronald Rivest -- ROT-13 -- rotor machine -- RSA -- rubber-hose cryptanalysis S S-box -- Safer block cipher[?] -- Scott Vanstone[?] -- scrambler telephone[?] -- scytale -- secret writing -- secure cryptoprocessor -- Secure Sockets Layer -- security engineering -- Serpent encryption algorithm[?] -- SHA -- SHA-1 -- SIGABA -- SIGINT -- SKIPJACK[?] -- slide attack cryptanalysis[?] -- snake oil -- steganography -- stegotext[?] -- straddling checkerboard[?] -- stream cipher -- symmetric key algorithm -- T The Codebreakers[?] -- The Communications Theory of Secrecy Systems[?] -- TEMPEST -- Tiger hash function[?] -- timing attack[?] -- traffic analysis[?] -- trapdoor function -- Twofish encryption algorithm -- U Ultra -- Ultra secret -- unicity distance -- USSR -- V VENONA -- Vignere cipher[?] -- Vincent Rijmen[?] -- W Whitfield Diffie[?] -- William Friedman -- X XOR -- Y Yarrow algorithm -- Z Zero-knowledge proof[?] -- zeroise[?] --

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Johann Karl Friedrich Rosenkranz

... midway between Erdmann and Gabler on the one hand, and the "extreme left" represented by Strauss, Feuerbach and Bruno Bauer. Of his numerous writings, the ...

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