It is a global provider of banking, insurance, and asset management services.
Files SEC reports under ING GROEP NV[?]. Traded under symbol ING on NYSE.
History The company was created from the 1991 merger of Nationale-Nederlanden[?] and NMB Postbank Groep[?].
In 1995, acquired investment bank and asset management firm Barings.
In 1997, acquired insurer Equitable of Iowa Companies[?].
In 1998, acquired bank Brussels Lambert[?] of Belgium.
In 1999, acquired BHF-Bank[?] of Germany.
In 2000, acquired US insurers ReliaStar[?], Aetna Financial Services[?] and Aetna International[?].
In 2001, acquired bank Slaski[?] of Poland, and insurer Seguros Comercial America[?] of Mexico.
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