The console is based on a 133MHz ARM CPU, backed by 8 megabytes of RAM. Unlike similar gaming systems, which are cartridge based, the GP32 uses SmartMedia[?] cards, making it very appealing to amateur games developers. The console also has a USB port for connection to a PC.
Although the number of games available for the GP32 system is limited, many open source developers are working on various emulators and are porting PC games. There is even an attempt at porting the Linux operating system.
The system is currently available in Korea, with an American release expected. There are no plans to release the console commercially in Europe.
Dimensions | 147mm x 88mm x 34mm |
Weight | 163g |
Display | 3.5" TFT, 16 Bit Colour, 320x240 pixels |
CPU | ARM920, 133MHz |
ROM | 512K |
Sound | 44.1KHz 16 Bit Stereo Sound 4 Channel WAV mixing 16-part polyphonic MIDI Earphone port Stereo speakers |
Storage | SmartMedia 8MB-128MB |
Power Supply | 2x AA Batteries or 3V DC Adapter |
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