Below is a list of all of the letters in the
Esperanto alphabet and how to pronounce them transliterated into
English and
- a: ah, [a]
- b: b, [b]
- c: ts [ts]
- ĉ: ch, [tS]
- d: d, [d]
- e: eh, [e]
- f: f, [f]
- g: hard g (as in go), [g]
- ĝ: j, [dZ]
- h: h, [h]
- ĥ: kh (doesn't appear in English), [kx]
- i: ee, [i]
- j: y, [j]
- ĵ: zh [Z]
- k: k, [k]
- l: l, [l, L, or 5]
- m: m, [m]
- n: n, [n]
- o: oh, [o]
- p: p, [p]
- r: r, [4, r, r\`, R]
- s: unvoiced s, [s]
- ŝ: sh, [S]
- t: t, [t]
- u: oo, [u]
- ŭ: w, [w]
- v: v, [v]
- z: z, [z]
The pronunciation of dipthongs such as aj (pronounced like eye) can be found by converting the letters to SAMPA and reading from that.
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