Encyclopedia > Chess related deaths

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Chess related deaths

As with all games over a certain age chess has had a number of anecdotes associated with it, particularly relating to games that have got out of hand and have resulted in the murder of one of the players.

The reliability of most of the anecdotes is dubious, however some do appear to based on some form of factual event.

Possibly the anecdote with most supporting evidence is that given in the book Chess or the King's game (1616) by Augustus, Duke of Luneburg[?] who himself claimed to have obtained it from an old Bavarian Chronicle, then in Library of Marcus Welsor[?] but now lost. The anecdote states that Okarius (also spelt Okar or Otkar) the prince of Bavaria had a son of great promise, residing at the Court of King Pepin. One-day Pepin's son when playing at chess with the young Prince of Bavaria, became so enraged at the latter for having repeatedly beaten him that he hit him on the temple with one of his rooks so as to kill him on the spot. This anecdote is repeated in another Bavarian Chronicle, and in a work by Metellus of Tegernsee[?] about Saint Guirin[?] and other documents refer to his death while at Pepin's court.

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