Chaugnar Faugn (sometimes also:
Chaugnar Faughn; nicknames:
The Elephant God,
The Horror from the Hills) is a
fictional character, a
Great Old One, a
godlike being from the pantheon of
H. P. Lovecraft's
Cthulhu Mythos, created by
Frank Belknap Long[?].
- "Some were the figures of well-known myth – gorgons, chimaeras, dragons, cyclops, and all their shuddersome congeners. Others were drawn from darker and more furtively whispered cycles of subterranean legend – black, formless Tsathoggua, many-tentacled Cthulhu, proboscidian Chaugnar Faugn, and other rumoured blasphemies from forbidden books like the Necronomicon, the Book of Eibon[?], or the Unaussprechlichen Kulten of von Junzt." -- H.P. Lovecraft, The Horror in the Museum
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