Encyclopedia > Characters in The Sandman

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Characters in The Sandman

Warning: Wikipedia contains spoilers. The pages linked below discuss events which occur in the The Sandman, and give away plot points that could spoil your enjoyment of the series if you have not yet read it.

The Endless are seven brothers and sisters, anthropomorphic representations of aspects of human life. They form a dysfunctional family, rivalry and scheming by the younger siblings interrupting the work of the older ones. Killing a member of the family, or the child of one, is a severely punishable offence. Each of the Endless has a realm, a place of uncertain location, geography, geometry and physics in which they are absolutely sovereign. Within their realm, each member of the Endless has a gallery. In the gallery hang picture frames containing symbols of the other Endless, or sigils. Holding these sigils and speaking a ritual sentence is a formal way for the Endless to contact each other, although at times, merely speaking their name is enough.

  • Sundry Mortals
    • Alex Burgess
    • Roderick Burgess
    • Daniel Bustamonte - a victim of the 'sleepy sickness' that results from Morpheus' capture. He sleeps from 1926, then after an uncertain period of time, wakes up, and stays awake without speaking much of the time. He starts to speak again on Morpheus' escape.
    • Compton - Roderick Burgess' butler.
    • Foxglove
    • Dr. John Hathaway - curator of the Royal Museum. He steals from the museum's collection to aid Roderick Burgess' magical experiments.
    • Hipolyta 'Lyta' Hall[?]
    • Unity Kinkaid
    • Ellie Marsten - a victim of the 'sleepy sickness' that results from Morpheus' capture. She sleeps from the time Morpheus is captured to the time he escapes, awaking four or five times a year.
    • Rose Walker[?]
    • John 'Dr Destiny' Dee - a DC villain, he is said to have been decended from a member of the Burgess' inner circle, and thus gains his powers from Dream's belongings, stolen by Ruthven Sykes.
    • Stefan Wasserman - a victim of the 'sleepy sickness' that results from Morpheus' capture. He is unable to sleep, and commits suicide in 1918.
See also: Sandman (comic character)

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