Clown Torture - in separate stacked video screens, a clown screaming "No" repeatedly, a clown telling an annoying child's joke, a clown balancing goldfish bowls, and a clown sitting on a public toilet.
Vices and Virtues - Atop a laboratory building at University of California San Diego, neon signs seven feet tall, alternating the seven vices and seven virtues: FAITH/LUST, HOPE/ENVY, CHARITY/SLOTH, PRUDENCE/PRIDE, JUSTICE/AVARICE, TEMPERANCE/GLUTTONY, and FORTITUDE/ANGER.
The True Artist Helps the World by Revealing Mystic Truths - a spiraling neon sign with this slogan.
Setting a Good Corner - looping video of the artist setting a corner fencepost.
World Peace - five projectors or video players displaying four women and a man each speaking simultaneous monologues about world peace.
... Sanskrit words for mother, matr, and father, pitr. The similarities between Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit led to the discovery of this language family by Sir William Jones, and ...