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The Albert-Ludwigs-Universität was founded 1457 in Freiburg im Breisgau by the Habsburgs and is one of the old and traditional universities in Germany. The university started with four faculties (theology, philosophy, medicine and law). At the founding, the university was named only after Erzherzog Albrecht I.[?]. In 1820 the future of the university was unsure, and Großherzog Ludwig von Baden[?] saved it by co-financing it. Since then the university is named Albert-Ludwigs-Universität.
Since the 1880s the number of students and faculties started to grow quickly. Just before World War I the university counted 3.000 students. In the beginning of the 20th century a lot of new university buildings in the inner city of Freiburg were built. After WW II the university was re-opened. New buildings for natural science were erected in the Institutsviertel (institute quarter).
In the 1960s, Freiburg university was part of the mass education campaign. Student numbers climbed to 10.000 students, arriving at 20.000 students in 1980. In 2001 there are working 360 professors, 2.800 scientific employees, 7.700 non-scientific employees, making the university one of the biggest employers in Freiburg.
In the 1970s, the faculty structure was changed to 14 departments, with computer science and applied science[?] as 15th dept. in 1994. In 2002, the number of faculties was reduced to eleven:
The university is part of the regional EUCOR[?] federation with Karlsruhe, Basel[?], Mulhouse[?] and Strasbourg..
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