In Greek mythology, Adrastus ("he who stands his ground", son of Talaus) was one of the three kings at Argos, along with Iphis and Amphiaraus, who was married to Adrastus' sister Eriphyle. His daughters (Argea and Deipyle) married Polynices and Tydeus, respectively. When his sons-in-law were chased out of Thebes, Adrastus helped organize the Seven Against Thebes. Adrastus was the only survivor of the battle and he died from grief over the death of his son, Aegealeus. He was venerated as a god in some cities, especially Sicyon.
Adrastus was the son of Gordias, the Phyrgian King, with the Queen, Eurynome. He accidentally killed his brother and exiled himself to Lydia, where King Croesus welcomed him. Once again, Adrastus accidentally killed Croesus' son and then committed suicide.
... in 1486. The first English translation
(1502) was by William Atkinson and Margaret,
mother of Henry VII., who did the fourth book.
Translations appeared ...