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"Show changes in last 1 | 3 | 7 | 14 | 30 | all days" does not work, it does not give any time restriction!
Each line shows details about the last edit: the day, whether minor or major, the time, a link to the article, the difference between the current version and the last but one, the history, the user name and the edit summary.
Note that for every edited page only information about the last edit is shown. For example, if the last edit was minor there is no indication whether there have also been major changes recently. Since one is typically interested in all changes since one last checked, the history of the article needs to be checked.
In Recent Changes and Enhanced Recent Changes, watched articles are bolded. Therefore, even without ever using "My watchlist", specifying articles to watch is useful.
Users can also specify that a page must be watched while editing that page:
On the editing screen, next to the minor edit checkbox, there is another checkbox with the text "Watch this article" . Activating this checkbox and saving the article produces the identical result to clicking the link mentioned above. When viewing a watched article, the "Watch this page" link text changes to "Stop watching". Clicking that link removes the article from your watchlist. Deactiving the checkbox "Watch this article" before saving an article has the same result.
If you want to watch all your articles by default, you can activate the user preference "Watch new and modified articles".
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