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Wikipedia:Multilingual statistics

See also Wikipedia:Multilingual coordination and Wikipedia:Complete list of language wikis available

For each date, the number of articles for each Wikipedia are counted. Originally only articles which contain at least one comma (,) were counted. This was done by doing a search for "," in each Wikipedia. This method excluded some very short articles and articles which are simply redirects, though stats for the Arabic, Chinese and Japanese Wikipedias since March 11, 2002 have used all articles instead of comma ones only, because they don't use the comma character, at least not the same way as Westerners. The same will go for the Hebrew Wikipedia (http://he.wikipedia.com) when it becomes active and the method is still in use for the smaller Wikipedias.

Most Wikipedias have since changed over to the Phase III software and can no longer be counted using the comma method. The number generated by the Special:Statistics page of each of them is used instead and the first sample taken after the change-over is marked by a light blue background. Note that this method is more accurate and may initially result in a smaller number of pages than the comma method.

Generally speaking, only Wikipedias that are at least somewhat active are listed here. "Active" is thought to include a usable front page with categories and some content being added behind it. Several as yet inactive Wikipedias have already been converted to the new software since most of them depend on it to correctly display the characters particular to their language, which the older software was unable to do. The following is a list of them, please add them to the current table once they become active:

Table of contents

2002 Statistics

Date af (http://af.wikipedia.com/) ar (http://ar.wikipedia.com/) ca (http://ca.wikipedia.com/) cs (http://cs.wikipedia.org/) da (http://da.wikipedia.org/) de (http://de.wikipedia.org/) eo (http://eo.wikipedia.org/) es (http://es.wikipedia.org/) et (http://et.wikipedia.com/) eu (http://eu.wikipedia.com/) fr (http://fr.wikipedia.org/) fy (http://fy.wikipedia.com/) ia (http://ia.wikipedia.com/) it (http://it.wikipedia.com/) ja (http://ja.wikipedia.org/) la (http://la.wikipedia.com/) nl (http://nl.wikipedia.org/) no (http://no.wikipedia.com/) pl (http://pl.wikipedia.org/) pt (http://pt.wikipedia.com/) ru (http://ru.wikipedia.org/) sh (http://sh.wikipedia.com/) sl (http://sl.wikipedia.com/) sv (http://sv.wikipedia.org/) zh (http://zh.wikipedia.org/)
Dec 27 2001 14 1 42 - - 1209 216 318 - 6 55 - - 12 2 - 287 2 564 197 7 0 - 99 5
Jan 12 2002 14 1 57 - - 1227 271 609 - 7 60 - - 12 2 - 374 3 815 201 7 0 - 100 7
Jan 30 2002 16 1 59 - - 1269 373 869 - 7 88 - - 12 2 - 423 33 997 209 7 105 - 102 8
Feb 9 2002 16 1 59 - 0 1300 428 1355 - 7 98 - - 14 2 - 462 48 1083 211 7 107 - 102 8
Feb 27 2002 16 1 101 - 3 1367 572 1686 - 9 264 - - 16 2 - 545 129 1298 213 7 107 - 102 8
Mar 11 2002 16 4 126 - 3 1419 811 1708 - 9 319 - - 17 8 - 605 242 1465 223 7 107 3 103 12
Mar 20 2002 16 4 127 - 9 1447 1100 1731 - 9 406 - - 21 10 - 653 322 1639 226 7 107 3 103 12
Apr 2 2002 16 4 127 - 12 1509 1228 1755 - 9 479 - - 26 16 - 818 359 1790 227 7 107 3 106 12
May 1 2002 16 4 132 - 13 1860 1789 1803 - 9 576 - - 40 17 - 988 364 2199 232 8 107 15 106 12
May 10 2002 16 4 132 2 13 1933 2047 1847 - 9 604 - 1 40 17 - 1006 364 2624 233 8 107 16 106 12
May 27 2002 16 4 131 2 26 2417 2484 1975 - 9 691 - 3 41 17 9 1033 368 2738 235 8 109 25 108 12
Jun 13 2002 17 4 131 2 28 2778 2675 2009 - 9 862 - 3 77 18 12 1069 370 2923 266 8 110 66 111 12
Jul 1 2002 20 4 132 2 31 2945 2828 2022 - 9 943 - 3 100 18 14 1100 373 3108 272 8 110 86 136 12
Jul 13 2002 20 4 133 2 32 3264 2902 2024 - 9 1076 - 4 101 18 14 1127 374 3242 273 8 110 86 140 12
Aug 4 2002 20 6 133 2 32 3932 3226 2033 - 9 1491 - 4 121 18 14 1220 376 3704 306 8 110 87 183 12
Aug 31 2002 33 6 134 2 112 4324 3497 2066 7 9 2045 - 4 128 21 14 1400 377 4039 326 8 110 88 211 14
Sep 13 2002 36 6 135 2 153 4827 3604 2068 9 9 2245 17 4 128 5 15 1502 376 4427 343 8 110 89 218 15
Oct 3 2002 37 6 136 2 197 5604 3718 2142 15 12 2500 24 4 132 5 15 1670 377 5045 355 11 110 94 255 15
Oct 26 2002 42 6 144 2 237 6229 3971 2181 22 18 2763 24 4 132 5 15 1812 378 5490 370 13 110 111 259 21
Nov 10 2002 42 6 147 2 269 6701 4033 2367 52 20 2718 30 4 159 9 15 2150 379 5678 383 1 111 111 265 ??
Nov 21 2002 45 6 148 5 305 7116 4089 2484 70 20 3099 31 4 211 10 16 2432 385 5816 386 9 111 111 523 ??
Nov 26 2002 45 6 148 11 308 7323 4120 2506 70 20 3156 31 4 243 10 17 2503 385 5569 403 9 111 111 1116 46
Dec 6 2002 47 6 150 13 331 7804 4223 2592 95 20 3344 32 4 487 10 18 2649 387 5685 419 10 113 114 2027 49
Dec 11 2002 47 6 150 13 337 7940 4247 2610 125 20 3406 32 4 534 10 18 2732 387 5770 420 10 113 114 2762 51
Dec 27 2002 48 6 151 15 446 8448 4327 2752 175 20 3580 33 4 750 12 18 3055 387 6007 438 51 113 115 3765 51
Jan 11 2003 49 6 153 21 577 9059 4412 2849 178 20 3750 34 4 914 12 19 3299 387 6310 536 65 113 118 4099 57
Date af (http://af.wikipedia.com/) ar (http://ar.wikipedia.com/) ca (http://ca.wikipedia.com/) cs (http://cs.wikipedia.org/) da (http://da.wikipedia.org/) de (http://de.wikipedia.org/) eo (http://eo.wikipedia.org/) es (http://es.wikipedia.org/) et (http://et.wikipedia.com/) eu (http://eu.wikipedia.com/) fr (http://fr.wikipedia.org/) fy (http://fy.wikipedia.com/) ia (http://ia.wikipedia.com/) it (http://it.wikipedia.com/) ja (http://ja.wikipedia.org/) la (http://la.wikipedia.com/) nl (http://nl.wikipedia.org/) no (http://no.wikipedia.com/) pl (http://pl.wikipedia.org/) pt (http://pt.wikipedia.com/) ru (http://ru.wikipedia.org/) sh (http://sh.wikipedia.com/) sl (http://sl.wikipedia.com/) sv (http://sv.wikipedia.org/) zh (http://zh.wikipedia.org/)

The Serbo-Croatian wiki (sh) listed above was disbanded late in the year when it was decided to have individual wikis for each of the languages of the former Yugoslavia. They are listed separately in the 2003 table, in as far as they are active.

2003 Statistics

A - G
Date af (http://af.wikipedia.com/) ar (http://ar.wikipedia.com/) bs (http://bs.wikipedia.org/) ca (http://ca.wikipedia.com/) cs (http://cs.wikipedia.org/) da (http://da.wikipedia.org/) de (http://de.wikipedia.org/) en (http://en.wikipedia.org/) eo (http://eo.wikipedia.org/) es (http://es.wikipedia.org/) et (http://et.wikipedia.com/) eu (http://eu.wikipedia.com/) fi (http://fi.wikipedia.com/) fr (http://fr.wikipedia.org/) fy (http://fy.wikipedia.com/) gl (http://gl.wikipedia.com/)
Jan 11 2003 49 6 - 153 21 577 9059 98475 4412 2849 178 20 14 3750 34 -
Jan 29 2003 53 10 - 325 38 935 10585 102046 4554 2960 198 20 17 4324 36 -
Feb 16 2003 52 10 17 370 40 1663 11622 105326 5219 3075 214 20 64 5934 38 -
Mar 2 2003 54 12 43 426 41 4979 12177 107889 5444 3222 220 20 113 6415 38 -
Mar 16 2003 56 12 43 633 186 5088 12601 110267 5559 3333 231 20 161 7398 39 -
Apr 13 2003 79 12 44 794 238 5372 13601 114614 6174 3538 257 20 362 9051 40 127
May 11 2003 143 13 44 2794 304 5607 15053 119920 6464 3706 347 22 531 9569 40 176
May 25 2003 145 13 45 2839 334 5902 16393 128629 6536 3788 385 22 646 10360 40 176
June 8 2003 148 14 45 2861 419 6149 17803 131725 6608 3906 423 22 741 11356 40 176
June 22 2003 148 14 45 2937 500 6389 19281 134938 6789 4080 437 22 913 12003 40 176

I - Z
Date ia (http://ia.wikipedia.com/) it (http://it.wikipedia.com/) ja (http://ja.wikipedia.org/) ko (http://ko.wikipedia.org/) la (http://la.wikipedia.com/) lt (http://lt.wikipedia.com/) lv (http://lv.wikipedia.com/) ml (http://ml.wikipedia.org/) nl (http://nl.wikipedia.org/) no (http://no.wikipedia.com/) pd (http://za.wikipedia.com/) pl (http://pl.wikipedia.org/) pt (http://pt.wikipedia.com/) ru (http://ru.wikipedia.org/) sl (http://sl.wikipedia.com/) sv (http://sv.wikipedia.org/) zh (http://zh.wikipedia.org/)
Jan 11 2003 4 914 12 17 19 - - - 3299 387 - 6310 536 65 118 4099 57
Jan 29 2003 6 1240 12 17 24 - - - 3658 403 - 6695 597 85 124 4481 68
Feb 16 2003 167 1387 140 18 23 - - - 3976 428 - 7316 629 130 125 5407 69
Mar 2 2003 347 1600 251 22 28 - - - 4215 429 - 7631 643 133 125 6329 72
Mar 16 2003 389 1658 3337 48 33 10 - - 4492 436 - 8161 658 134 125 7005 74
Apr 13 2003 611 1669 4660 61 150 10 - - 4897 452 - 8985 676 145 136 7666 129
May 11 2003 648 1868 5627 71 508 10 - - 5498 484 207 9756 735 167 148 8340 171
May 25 2003 653 1989 6331 99 562 18 - 35 6104 490 237 10107 802 191 164 8704 184
June 8 2003 657 2037 6598 112 584 18 29 38 6612 491 245 10629 828 230 171 9170 198
June 22 2003 659 2088 6851 112 597 19 78 41 7026 494 250 10981 885 248 177 9674 234

There are several other wikis that are on the verge of becoming truly active. The Volapük (http://vo.wikipedia.com) wiki has a good frontpage, but appears to contain only wordlists and stories. The Swahili (http://sw.wikipedia.com) wiki too has a nice front page, but closer inspection reveals little more than dictionary entries. The Irish Gaelic (http://ga.wikipedia.com) wiki currently has only a frontpage and no content behind it. Please add your opinion on including them to the talk page.


Largest Non English Wikipedias (http://nl.wikipedia.org/upload/1/1d/GroeiWikipedias.png)

Most Wikipedias Except English (Logarithmic) (http://nl.wikipedia.org/upload/a/a7/GroeiWikipediasLogarithmisch.png)


The 20 largest Wikipedias (June 22, 2003):

  1. English (http://en.wikipedia.org/) (134938)
  2. German (Deutsch) (http://de.wikipedia.org/) (19281)
  3. French (Français) (http://fr.wikipedia.org/) (12003)
  4. Polish (Polska) (http://pl.wikipedia.org/) (10981)
  5. Swedish (Svenska) (http://sv.wikipedia.org/) (9674)
  6. Dutch (Nederlands) (http://nl.wikipedia.org/) (7026)
  7. Japanese (Nihongo) (http://ja.wikipedia.org/) (6851)
  8. Esperanto (http://eo.wikipedia.org/) (6789)
  9. Danish (Dansk) (http://da.wikipedia.org/) (6389)
  10. Spanish (Español) (http://es.wikipedia.org/) (4080)
  11. Catalan (Català) (http://ca.wikipedia.com/) (2937)
  12. Italian (Italiano) (http://it.wikipedia.com/) (2088)
  13. Finnish (Suomi) (http://fi.wikipedia.com/) (913)
  14. Portuguese (Português) (http://pt.wikipedia.com/) (885)
  15. Interlingua (http://ia.wikipedia.com/) (659)
  16. Latin (Latina) (http://la.wikipedia.com/) (597)
  17. Czech (Česká) (http://cs.wikipedia.org/) (500)
  18. Norwegian (Norsk) (http://no.wikipedia.com/) (494)
  19. Estonian (Eesti) (http://et.wikipedia.com/) (437)
  20. Low Saxon (Nedersassisch) (http://za.wikipedia.com/) (250)

See also Wikipedia:Statistics for more statistics on the English Wikipedia. For an overview of the world's biggest wiki websites (Wikipedia or not), see MeatBall:BiggestWiki.

All Wikipedia text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License

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