linking to relevant sources (maps, UN-resolutions, speeches or statements of organizations, parties and politicians involved) is encouraged.
in general a description of a link as "The Israeli view" or "The Arab view" is discouraged as there is often no one single view.
linked pages should add valuable information which is not in the article.
no links to propaganda sites should be added (within reasonable limits: if you write an article about the role of propaganda it's of course legitim to cite examples). What constitutes a propaganda site is not always easy to make out. Some criterias, which may occur in combinations:
Explicitly extremist rhetoric (e.g. anti-Semitic statements for an Arab site and "Deport all Arabs" for a Jewish site)
Not providing concise facts.
Logical fallacies (ad hominem is a particular favorite, bandwagon, fallacy by association),
Murky use of legal/semantic definitions
Resourceful quoting from different sources to convey a different message than the original document
Mixing research and conclusion-making.
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Photosynthesis is a biochemical process by which the energy of light is converted into chemical energy in plants, algae, and certain bacteria.
Plants, ...