Strings will be quoted with ' (single quote) or " (double quote). The single quote means a literal quote and the double quote means a quote modulo an upper/lowercase conversion. For example "ab" matches the strings 'ab', 'Ab', 'aB' and 'AB'.
<content> ::= <redirect> | <article>
<redirect> ::= "#redirect[[" <title> ']]'
Note: What should probably also be taken into account: (1) Whitespace around the full title (2) extra whitespace or remarks after the closing brackets.
<title> ::= [ <wiki code> ':'] [ <namespace> ':' ] <subject>
Note: the square brackets denote optional parts.
<wiki code> ::= "w"| "m" | "simple" | "aa"| ... | "zu"
Note: The last part are the ISO 639 2-letter language codes
<namespace> ::= "special" | "talk" | "user" | "user_talk" | "wikipedia" | "wikipedia_talk" | "image" | "image_talk"
<subject> ::= <subject char>+
Note: the '+' is the repeat-one-or-more-times operator.
<subject char> ::= ' ' | '!' | '%' | '&' | '"' | '(' | ')' | ',' | '-' | '.' | '/' | '0' | ... | '9' | ':' | ';' | '?' | 'A' | ... | 'Z' | '_' | 'a' | ... | 'z' | xA0 | ... | xFF
Note: The expressions xA0 and xFF denote the hexadecimal notation of these characters.
<article> ::= <block>*
Note: the '*' is the repeat-zero-or-more-times operator.
<block> ::= <nowiki block> | <html block> | <wiki block> | ...
<nowiki block> ::= '<' <ws>* "nowiki" <ws>* '>' <any char>* '<' <ws>* "/nowiki" <ws>* '>'
<ws> ::= <space> | <form feed> | <new line> | <car. ret.> | <hor. tab> | <vert. tab>
<html block> ::= <closed html> | <open html> | <html comment>
Note: With "closed html" I mean HTML that begins with an open tag and a corresponding closing tag, and "open html" consists of a single opening tag.
<html comment> ::= '<!--' <any char>* '-->'
<open html> ::= ... "br", "p", "hr", "li", "dt", "dd" ...
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