In 1973, it was thought that this species was dying out. There were only 13 specimens left, and all of them were about 300 years old. Stanley Temple[?] put forward the theory that the dodo, which became extinct in 1681, ate the seeds of the tree, and only by passing through the digestive tract of the dodo did the seeds become active and start to grow. After a while, it was discovered that the same effect could be accomplished by having turkeys eat the seeds. Turkeys showed no interest in whole tambalacoque fruit, but were willing to swallow the pits, which sprouted after passing through turkey gizzards. New seedlings have germinated, and the species appears to have been saved, though the seedlings have not yet produced seeds of their own. The dodo tree is valued on Mauritius for its timber; the foresters now scrape the pits by hand in order to get them to sprout, rather than feeding them to turkeys.
However, this theory that the tree required the dodo has been debated: others have suggested that the decline of the tree was exaggerated, or that other extinct animals may also have been distributing the seeds. Catling (2001) in a summary cites Owadally and Temple (1979), and Witmer (1991).
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