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! to 1129
112 BC to 1366
1366 BC to 150s BC
151 to 1649
1649 in literature to 1813 BC
1813 in literature to 1916 in literature
1916 in music to 1982
1982 Golden Raspberries to 1 E27 W
1 E27 kg to 2000 years ago
2000s to 25 April
25 August to 36th century BC
37 to 501
501(c)(3) to 693
694 to 8 BC
8 December to AIC
AICPA to Aardwolf
Aare to Abraham de Moivre
Abraham ibn Daud to Acme (Plan 9)
Acme Corporation to Adeona
Adequacy.org to Affective Computing
Affective computing to Ahaz
Ahaziah to Al-Ghazali
Al-Ghazzali to Albion, Pennsylvania
Albion, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin to Alexis Denisof
Alexis Korner to All in the Family
All the King's Men to Alsace-Lorraine
Alsace Township, Pennsylvania to Ambracia
Ambridge to Ammunition
Ammunition column to Anaximenes
Anaximenes of Lampsacus to Angels' Songs from the Golden City of the Blessed
Angels Camp, California to Anno Domini
Annona, Texas to Antioch University
Antiochia to Apoptygma Berzerk
Aposiopesis to Arcade
Arcade, Georgia to Aristotelian
Aristotelian logic to Arthur 'Monkey' Gould
Arthur (OS) to Ashton, Maryland
Ashton, Nebraska to Athamé
Athanaric to Atlas Shrugged/Mr. Coleman
Atlas Shrugged/Mr. Mowen to August 4
August 5 to Autoimmune disease
Autoimmune diseases to Azerbaijan/Communications
Azerbaijan/Economy to Bachelor (TV)
Bachelor Mother to Bald
Bald Eagle to Bantu language
Bantu languages to Bartlett, Kansas
Bartlett, Nebraska to Battle of Adua
Battle of Aegospotami to Battle royale
Battle star to Bebti
Bebung to Belleair Bluffs, Florida
Belleair Shore, Florida to Benton Harbor, Michigan
Benton Heights, Michigan to Best interests
Bestiality to Big O
Big O anime to Biographical Listing/W
Biographical Listing/X to Black Creek (village), Wisconsin
Black Creek Township, Pennsylvania to Blissfield, Michigan
Blissfield Township, Michigan to Bob Denver
Bob Diamond to Bonanza, Colorado
Bonanza, Georgia to Bossuet
Bostic, North Carolina to Bradford (village), Vermont
Bradford County, Florida to Bresenham's line algorithm
Bresenham's line algorithm/C code to British Bill of Rights
British Board of Film Censors to Brookport, Illinois
Brookridge, Florida to Buckner, Arkansas
Buckner, Illinois to Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Bureau of Industry and Security to Butte County
Butte County, California to COBUILD
CODA to Caledon, Ontario
Caledonia to Cameroon/Government
Cameroon/History to Canon de 65 M(montagne) modele 1906
Canon de 65 M(montagne) modelle 1906 to Carbon County, Wyoming
Carbon Hill, Alabama to Carnivorous
Carnivorous plant to Cass County, Nebraska
Cass County, North Dakota to Cauliflower
Caulksville, Arkansas to Centerfield, Utah
Centerpartiet to Chalcedonian
Chalcedonian Creed to Charles Emmanuel I of Savoy
Charles Etienne to Chatham, Illinois
Chatham, Louisiana to Chester Alan Arthur
Chester Beatty Library to Chinese Communist party
Chinese Communists to Christian Death
Christian Democracy to Churnet
Churnsike Lodge to Civilization video game
Cizin to Clayton, Louisiana
Clayton, Michigan to Cloacina
Cloak to Cocteau Twins
Cocytus to Collegedale, Tennessee
Colleges and universities to Combined nuclear and steam propulsion
Comblain-au-Pont to Communications in Jordan
Communications in Kazakhstan to Composition of functions
Compost to Congerville, Illinois
Congestion to Contemporary fantasy
Contemporary mythology to Copra
Copreus to Cosmic Background Radiation
Cosmic Microwave Background to Coushatta, Louisiana
Cousin, cousine to Creswell Crags
Cretaceous to Cruzeiro Esporte Clube
Crwth to Curling at the 2002 Winter Olympics
Curly brace family to Córdoba
Córdoba, Argentina to Dale Nixon
Dale Township, Minnesota to Darien, Illinois
Darien, New York to David H. Rosenthal
David Hackett Souter to Death Eater
Death Metal to Degerfors
Deggendorf (district) to Demographics of Kiribati
Demographics of Kuwait to Derby Cathedral
Derby Center, Vermont to Dezso Lauber
DeÅŸteaptă-te, române - translation to Digital Audio Tape
Digital Camera to Discovery
Discovery-Spring Garden, Maryland to Document
Document Editor to Donna Duck
Donna Haraway to Downingtown, Pennsylvania
Downland to Drysdale River National Park
Drôme to Durbin, West Virginia
Durbuy to ER (television)
ER diagram to East Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut
East Haven, Vermont to Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Telecommunications de Paris (ENST) to Eden Phillpotts/The American Prisoner
Eden Prairie, Minnesota to Edward de Bono
Edward de Vere to El Reencuentro
El Refugio, Texas to Element 86
Element 87 to Elmer, Oklahoma
Elmer Austin Benson to Emotion theory
Emotional intelligence to Engineering basic topics
Engineering drawing to Epirus
Episcopacy to Ernie (muppet)
Ernie Centofanti to Ethelfleda
Ethelred to European Championship
European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages to Evolutionary economics&actionedit
Evolutionary linguistics to F-106 Delta Dart
F-110 Spectre to Fairfield Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania
Fairfield Township, Michigan to Fantastic realism
Fantasy to Fecund universes
Fed to Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Ferris Buellers Day Off to Filter paper
Filter program to Fis phenomenon
Fisaga to Flight
FlightGear to Food writing
Foodtown to Foreston, Minnesota
Forestport, New York to Four-vector
Four-velocity to Frank Loesser
Frank Luke to Frederick Augustus I of Poland
Frederick Augustus I of Saxony to French Empire
French Equatorial Africa to Front side bus
Frontal assault to Futurians
Futurism to Gaithersburg, Maryland
Gaits to Gardendale, Alabama
Gardendale, Texas to Geel
Geelong to Geoboy
Geocaching to George Brett
George Brinton McClellan to Gerard Depardieu
Gerard Dewan to Gijon
Gijón to Glassport, Pennsylvania
Glastenbury, Vermont to Go-Sanjo of Japan
Go-Shirakawa to Good Burger
Good Charlotte to Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Government of Samoa to Grand Isle, Vermont
Grand Isle County, Vermont to Great Budworth
Great Central Railway to Greenland/Transnational issues
Greenland/Transportation to Groton (town), Massachusetts
Groton (town), Middlesex County, Massachusetts to Guinness Book of Records
Guinness book of Astronomy to Göl
Göll to Hagley Museum and Library
Hagley Park to Hamiltonian
Hamiltonian cycle to Hansard
Hansboro, North Dakota to Harrison, Clare, Michigan
Harrison, Clare County, Michigan to Havana, Texas
Havana City to Heavy Metal magazine
Heavy Metal music to Helsinge
Helsingfors to Henry VI Part III
Henry VI of England to Heterodyne repeater
Heteroecious to Hilbert, Wisconsin
Hilbert basis theorem to Historical revisionism
Historical temperature record to History of the Vatican City
History of the Virgin Islands to Holt, Minnesota
Holt, Missouri to Hooverson Heights, West Virginia
Hooversville, Pennsylvania to Hove, Belgium
Hove, England to Huitzilopchtli
Huitzilopochtli to Huston Township, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania
Huston Township, Pennsylvania to IAAF
IAAF World Championships in Athletics to ISO 3166-1:LA
ISO 3166-1:LB to Ibuprofen
Ibycus to Immanent
Immanuel to Indian reservation
Indian sex stone to Initial object
Initial public offering to International Actuarial Association
International African Institute to Intuition
Intuition--philosophy to Irkutsk Oblast
Irma Grese to Isocyanate
Isodrosotherm to J. Robert Oppenheimer
J. Russell Robinson to Jacques Villon
Jacques de Molay to Jamie Zawinski
Jamil al-Midfai to Java Servlet
Java Servlets to Jeffersonville, New York
Jeffersonville, Ohio to Jim Sillars
Jim Steinman to John
John, Duke of Bedford to John Lackland
John Lambert to Johnson City, Texas
Johnson County, Arkansas to Josh Hartnett
Josh Hoyt to July 22
July 23 to KS
KSC to Kaposi Sarcoma
Kaposi sarcoma to Kaziukas
Kazon to Kepler's laws of planetary motion
Kepler-poinsot solid to Kilgore, Nebraska
Kilgore, Texas to Kingsbury, Maine
Kingsbury, Nevada to Knights of St Thomas
Knights of the Dinner Table to Kraft-Ebbing
Kraft durch Freude to Kyushu
Kyushu region to Labette County, Kansas
Labia to Lake Ladoga
Lake Lafayette, Missouri to Lance Armstrong
Lance Bass to Las Palmas
Las Palmas-Juarez, Texas to Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Lawrence H. Summers to Leech Lake Township, Minnesota
Leechburg, Pennsylvania to Leo Marks
Leo McCarey to Lewis Cass
Lewis County, Idaho to Lidice
Lidingö to Lincoln (town), Penobscot County, Maine
Lincoln Beach, Oregon to Lisa (The Simpsons)
Lisa Bonet to List of HIV patients
List of Halland Governors to List of Swedish wars
List of Swedish writers to List of contemporary civil wars
List of controversial people to List of military aircraft of the United States of America
List of military commanders to List of rare diseases/N
List of rare diseases/O to Little River, South Carolina
Little River, Wisconsin to Locomotive
Locost to Long-tailed jaeger
Long-tailed planigale to Losantville, Indiana
Losers in literature to Lowell (village), Dodge County, Wisconsin
Lowell (village), Wisconsin to Luke McShane
Luke Perry to Lyngen
Lynn to MSF
MSF time signal to Madeira islands
Madeira river to Maiden Rock (town), Pierce County, Wisconsin
Maiden Rock (town), Wisconsin to Mammogram
Mammography to Mantus
Manu to Marea
Mareikura to Mark Madsen
Mark McGwire to Martin L. Fagan
Martin Landau to Master of Reality
Master of Science to Maverick County, Texas
Mavis Beacon to McDonald, Pennsylvania
McDonald Chapel, Alabama to Medieval Metal
Medieval Music to Memphis Mad Dogs
Memphis Maniax to Meservey, Iowa
Mesha stele to Mexico (town), Oxford County, Maine
Mexico (village), New York to Microprogram
Microprogram. to Miguel de Icaza
Miguel de Unamuno to Military of Ukraine
Military of Uruguay to Minden-Luebbecke
Minden City, Michigan to Mission UK
Mission Viejo, California to Mohamed II
Mohamed III to Monongalia County, West Virginia
Mononoke Hime to Moon Landreau
Moon Landrieu to Morton, Washington
Morton County, Kansas to Mount Pleasant Township, Columbia County, Pennsylvania
Mount Pleasant Township, Minnesota to Mullica Township, New Jersey
Mulligan Township, Minnesota to Music of Latin America
Music of Louisiana to Møre og Romsdal
Múspell to Nammu
Nampa, Idaho to National Film Registry
National Flags to Ne Win
Neaera to Nepal/History
Nepal/Military to New Britain Township, Pennsylvania
New Brockton, Alabama to New Ulm, Minnesota
New Underwood, South Dakota to Newton, Utah
Newton, Wisconsin to Nightcap National Park
Nightclub two-step to Noble savage
Nobleboro, Maine to Norman Spinrad
Norman Tebbit to North Wales, Pennsylvania
North Walsham to Nott
Nottawa Township, Isabella, Michigan to Nymboida National Park
Nymph to Object-modeling technique
Object-oriented to Office de la Langue Française
Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market to Oligarchy
Oligocene to Ontario, Oregon
Ontario, Wisconsin to Opus Dei
Opus number to Orion (mythology)
Orion Nebula to Oswego
Oswego, Illinois to Owlet-nightjar
Owlet nightjar to Pablo, Montana
Pablo Casals to Palm Harbor, Florida
Palm OS to Paradise, Utah
Paradise Crane to Parthia
Parthian to Patty Murray
Patty Pony to Peasants' Revolt
Peasants Revolt to Penobscot Indian Island Reservation, Aroostook County, Maine
Penobscot Indian Island Reservation, Penobscot County, Maine to Peroz I of Persia
Perpendicular to Peterborough, England
Peterborough, Ontario to Philippe De Carteret III
Philippe De Carteret IV to Physicists
Physics to Pillar of Eliseg
Pillars of Hercules to Pittsfield (town), Maine
Pittsfield (town), Merrimack County, New Hampshire to Pleasant Grove, Ohio
Pleasant Grove, Utah to Poisson distribution
Poisson process to Politics of East Timor
Politics of Ecuador to Pontevedra (province)
Pontiac to Porsche 914
Porsche 924 to Posthumanism
Posthumous Name to Preamble
Preamble to Charter of the United Nations to Prime Ministers of Greenland
Prime Ministers of Japan to Procol Harum
Procopius to Protein (band)
Protein Data Bank to Public Image Ltd
Public Internet to Puzzle
Puzzle Bobble to Quaver
Quay, Oklahoma to RDX
READ ONLY MEMORY to Radio telescope
Radio teletype to Randleman, North Carolina
Randlett, Oklahoma to Rayne, Essex
Rayne, Louisiana to Red Rocks of Nevada
Red Rooster to Reinforcer
Reinforcers to Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii
Rerun to Rhône
Rhône-Alpes to Richmond Township, Michigan
Richmond Township, Minnesota to Rise of Sweden as a Great Power
Rise of the Robots to Robert Broom (1866-1951)
Robert Browning to Rock Steady
Rock Township, Minnesota to Rollins Band
Rollinsford, New Hampshire to Rose Lodge, Oregon
Rose McGowan to Royal Marines
Royal Marriages Act of 1772 to Rush City, Minnesota
Rush County, Indiana to SDP (UK)
SDRAM to Saddam City
Saddam Hussain to Sakuramachi Emperor
Sakya to Samuel Colt
Samuel Cunard to Sangamon County, Illinois
Sanger, California to Satyricon(band)
Satyricon (band) to Scholasticism
Scholastics to ScreamTracker
Scream In Blue to Secor, Illinois
Secord Township, Michigan to Seminole, Florida
Seminole, Oklahoma to Serial music
Serial number to Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band to Shelby Township, Minnesota
Shelby charter Township, Michigan to Shivaji
Shively, Kentucky to Siege
Siege Tank (StarCraft) to Simone Signoret
Simone Weil to Sirenum scopuli
Sirhan B. Sirhan to Slaughterville, Oklahoma
Slav to Snake Range National Park
Snake River to Software development tools
Software documentation to Soo Township, Michigan
Sool to South Pole
South Pole-Aitken basin to Spaniard
Spaniard Music to Spin-off
Spin (physics) to Spritzer
Sprouts to St. Paul's College
St. Paul, Alaska to Stanly County, North Carolina
Stanmore to Statistical Populations
Statistical Range to Steuben County
Steuben County, Indiana to Stop trick
Stopband to Strontium carbonate
Strontium sulphate to Suffragette
Sufi to Sunnite
Sunnmørsposten to Survivor (video game)
Survivor II to Swiss Confederation
Swiss Federal Council to Sèrèr
Sèvres to Tai languages
Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe to Taoism
Taoist to Teaneck, New Jersey
Teaneck Township, New Jersey to Ten Mile Lake Township, Minnesota
Ten Minutes Older to Texas (disambiguation)
Texas A&M University to The Brady Bunch
The Bran Flakes to The Future of Ideas
The Futurological Congress to The Magnificent Yankee
The Makropulos Affair to The Red Baron
The Red Guy to The Tragically Hip EP
The Transmigration of Timothy Archer to Thelema
Thelemite to Thomas Baker
Thomas Ball to Three Oaks Township, Michigan
Three People's Principles to Tim Healy (politician)
Tim Henman to Tito
Tito Kayak to Tommy James
Tommy James & the Shondells to Totally ordered set
Totara to Transformer
Transformers: The Movie to Trapdoor function
Trapeze to Trimethoprim
Trimix to Tsunami
Tsunami Channel to Tuscaloosa County, Alabama
Tuscan soup to Tzakol
Tzar to US-Canada politics compared
US-led invasion of Iraq to USS Raritan
USS Raritan (1843) to Ull
Ullensaker to Union Grove, Alabama
Union Grove, Texas to United States Justice Department
United States Know-Nothing Party to University of Sussex
University of Sydney to Ursula Southeil
Ursus arctos to Valderrobres
Valders, Wisconsin to Variety
Variety (linguistics) to Verminus
Vermland to Video teleconferencing unit
Videocassette recorder to Virtual call capability
Virtual call facility to Vorst / Forest
Vortex to Wahnena, Minnesota
Wahneta, Florida to Walton, Indiana
Walton, Kansas to Warwick, Massachusetts
Warwick, North Dakota to Watson (software)
Watson Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania to Wehl
Wehrmacht to West Crossett, Arkansas
West Crow Wing, Minnesota to Westford, Richland County, Wisconsin
Westford, Vermont to White-tailed Eagle
White-tailed eagle to WikiProject Clans of Scotland
WikiProject Concepts to Wildwood
Wildwood, Florida to William Lloyd Garrison
William Lloyd Webber to Wilsonville, Nebraska
Wilsonville, Oregon to Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance
Wireless Fidelity to Woodlawn Park, Kentucky
Woodlawn Park, Oklahoma to Worms/Baseball Bat
Worms/Battle Axe to XML transformation languages
XMM-Newton to Yarra River
Yarra Valley to You Hit the Nail On the Head
You Hit the Nail on the Head to Zemst
Zemun to
ˆ to ÿ

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... II, exciting two electrons which are transferred to the primary acceptor protein. The deficit of electrons is made up for by taking electrons from a molecule of water, ...

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