Conduction in a semiconductor device relies on impurities in the crystal structure of a semiconductor material to create either an excess of free electrons, or a deficiency in free electrons. The missing electrons create so called holes in the lattice structure. These holes react to changes in the electrical field in the same way a free electron with a positive charge would.
Negative-type or N-type semiconductors have an excess of free electrons, and positive-type or P-type semiconductors are materials containing holes.
Conduction is usually via "majority carriers" (electrons in N material, and holes in P material), but many devices such as transistors rely also on "minority carriers" (holes in N material or electrons in P material) in order to operate.
Most semiconductor devices use crystalline silicon as the semiconductor material. Other semiconductor materials in use include germanium, gallium-arsenide (GaAs), and gallium-arsenide-phospide (GaAsP). The semiconductor effect of rectification (passing current in one direction better than in the other direction) was originally discovered in galena crystals; such crystals, embedded in a lead carrier, were used for early radio receivers in conjunction with a fine wire called a "cat's whisker" which barely contacted the surface of the galena crystal.
Some of the great many devices in current usage that utilize the solid-state include: diodes (rectifiers), transistors (originally an abbreviation of "transit resistor"), field-effect transistors (FET), light-emitting diodes (LED), photodiodes, silicon controlled rectifiers[?] (SCR), triacs[?], diacs[?] and unijunction transistors (UJT).
Semiconductor devices are available as discrete units, or can be integrated along with a large number of similar devices onto a single die, called an integrated circuit (IC).
Examples Two-terminal devices:
Three-terminal devices:
Integrated circuits incorporate many small semiconductor devices on one small chip of material.
See also:
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