Encyclopedia > Quince pudding

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Quince pudding

From the 1881 Household Cyclopedia:

Scald the quinces tender, pare them thin, scrape off the pulp, mix with sugar very sweet, and add a little ginger and cinnamon. To a pint of cream put three or four yolks of eggs, and stir it into the quinces till they are of a good thickness. Butter the dish, pour it in, and bake it.

And, translated into English:

  1. Scald quinces until tender.
  2. Skin them and scrape the pulp into a mixing bowl.
  3. Blend the pulp with sugar until very sweet.
  4. Add ginger and cinnamon to taste.
  5. Mix 3-4 egg yolks into a pint of cream.
  6. Stir this into the quince pulp until thick.
  7. Butter a pudding-pan.
  8. Pour in the quince-cream mixture.
  9. Bake until firm but still slighty wobbley in the centre. Remove from oven and leave till set.

see Wikipedia Cookbook

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