Mexico, there are three major
political parties :
- Convergencia por la Democracia (CD) Convergence for Democracy - Dante DELGADO Ranauro[?]
- Liga de Trabajadores por el Socialismo (LTS) (Trotskist)
- Partido Alianza Social (PAS) Social Alliance Party - Jose Antonio CALDERON Cardoso
- Partido Aut�ntico de la Revoluci�n de M�xico (PARM) Authentic Party of the Mexican Revolution
- Partido de Centro Democr�tico (PCD) Party of the Democratic Center - Manuel CAMACHO Solis
- Partido de los Comunistas Mexicanos (PCM)
- Social Democratic Party (PDS) - Gilberto RINCON Gallardo
- Partido del Frente Cardenista de Reconstrucci�n Nacional (PFCRN)
- Partido Liberal Mexicano (PLM)
- Partido Obrero Socialista (POS)
- Partido Popular Socialista (PPS)
- Partido del Trabajo (PT) Workers Party - Alberto ANAYA Gutierrez
- Party of the Nationalist Society (PSN) - Gustavo RIOJAIS Santana
- Partido Verde Ecologista (PVEM) Mexican Green Ecological Party - Jorge GONZALEZ Torres
In the 19th century the two important parties were:
See also: Political party, List of political parties, Politics, Politics of Mexico, Mexico
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