Penny Arcade is an online comic strip written by Mike Krahulik[?] and Jerry Holkins[?]. The strip features their cartoonalter egosJohn Gabriel[?] and Tycho Brahe, respectively, who spend much of their time time playing computer games and commenting on them. Much of the humour of this strip revolves around Internetsubculture and video games, and often features in-jokes that are explained by the news posts that accompany each comic. One of the popular aspects of this strip is the signature drawing style of the artist, Mike Krahulik[?] (Gabe). Penny Arcade regularly features violence and profanity, and can easily be considered offensive to those unused to such elements. The first comic strip appeared on November 18, 1998.
... 1890s. Named for the drawings of Charles Dana Gibson[?], these women maintained their femininity despite participating in traditionally male activities such as sports or ...