Plot outline Set in contemporary Paris, the movie is a variation of the classic Greek myth of Orpheus. Here, Orph�e is a poet who becomes obsessed with Death (the Princess). They fall in love. Orph�e's wife, Eurydice, is killed by the Princess' henchmen and Orph�e goes after her into the Underworld. Although they have become dangerously entangled, the Princess sends Orph�e back out of the Underworld, to carry on his life with Eurydice.
Orph�e shows Cocteau's taste for enchantment[?]; he uses very simple special effects and trick shots to show his characters passing into the world of death and back to life: by stepping through mirrors or simply by running the film backward.
This movie is the main part of Jean Cocteau's Orphic Trilogy consisting of The Blood of a Poet[?] (1930), Orpheus (1949) and Testament of Orpheus[?] (1959).
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