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In 1979 human remains were found that were dated 150,000 BC. Following retrievals are of about 15,000 BC. It is supposed ancient Sardinians descend from a mysterious people: Shardana.
The first men to settle in Gallura and Northern Sardinia probably came from Italian mainland, maybe from Etruria. The central region might have been populated by people arrived from Iberian Peninsula through Balearic Islands. Southern settlements (around the gulf of Cagliari) were very likely founded by Africans.
Prehistoric arrowheads (third millennium B.C.) and sculptures of the the Mediterranean Mother Goddess (now in the Archeological Museum of Cagliari) were retrieved which demonstrate a well developed industry of stone carving.
In prehistoric Sardinia a commerce in obsidian, a particular stone used for the production of the first rough tools, developed, and this activity brought Sardinians to have relationships with most of the Mediterranean peoples, from Lebanon to Phoenicians.
In the Archeological Museum of Sassari are some ceramics from the Copper or Aneolithic Age (2600 B.C.).
Around 1000 B.C. Phoenicians began landing regularly in Sardinia with their ships, with increasing frequency. Setting sail from Lebanon, on their trade routes (to Britain too) they needed safe anchorages for a stop or to escape a weather storm. Main towns in which Phoenicians established: Caralis (Cagliari), Nora, Bithia, Sulcis, Tharros, Bosa, Torres and Olbia.
Roman domination
Alghero repopulated by Catalan invaders after expulsion of autochthonous population.
Contemporary age
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