Takeuchi Naoko (武内 直子) is a manga artist who lives in Tokyo, Japan. She is the original creator of the famous manga/anime Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. (Bishoujo Senshi Sera Muun) Takeuchi-sama was born on March 15, 1967 and graduated from Kyoritsu Chemical University[?], where she received a degree in chemistry (she was going to be a pharmacist). Her senior thesis was entitled "Heightened Effects of Thrombolytic Actions Due to Ultrasound". Her height is 160cm, her hair color is black and her blood type is A. She is right-handed.
Fun Fact: Naoko was supposedly in the Astronomy Club in high school. Contrary to popular belief, Ms. Takeuchi never used the phrases "Inner Senshi" and "Outer Senshi" in her manga. The anime sources never mention such phrases, either. Fans created both of those phrases, and we should not hold Ms. Takeuchi accountable because of the erroneous ideas that they entail. Check this site out: http://antares7.prettyodango.net/articles/inner-outer/index
Naoko is currently living in Tokyo with her husband, Togashi Yoshihiro[?]. She drives a custom red Ferrari Spider.
She has created the following Manga. (Convienently divided into "entertaining and quite readable" and "just download the translation" categories.)
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