Leonard, played by actor Guy Pearce, is a man who became afflicated with a form of brain damage (severe anterograde amnesia[?], also called "anterograde memory dysfunction") during a struggle with a man who broke into Leonard's home and subsequently killed his wife in February 1997. Though his afflication keeps him from being able to form new memories, Leonard seeks revenge on his wife's killer. To work towards revenge he must keep notes on even his own life, tattooing himself with important clues and keeping photos of important people and objects in his life, including his car.
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Many speculative theories have been put forth about the real nature of Leonard's illness, among them the possibility that Leonard's amnesia is feigned or hysterical[?], possibly even an iatrogenic disorder, or that he is simply faking or malingering[?] his illness as a way to cover his sociopathic[?] behavior.
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