Maurice Gee, born August 22, 1931 in Whakatane[?], New Zealand, is one of New Zealand's most distinguished novelists. He was brought up in Auckland and now lives in Karori[?], a suburb of Wellington, which features in Katherine Mansfield's stories. His fiction has won him several awards including the New Zealand Fiction Award, the Wattie Book of the Year Award and the New Zealand Children's Book of the Year Award.
The Widow.Landfall[?] 9 (1955): 196-213. In GMC, CS.
Evening at Home. Arena 45 (1956): 23-24.
The Quarry. Arena 46 (1957): 6-10, 13.
A Sleeping Face. Landfall 11 (1957): 194-221. In GMC, CS.
A Girl in Blue. Mate 2 (1958): 10-19.
While the Flag was Up. Arena 50 (1958-59): 13-17, 28.
The Losers. Landfall 13 (1959): 120-47. In Landfall Country: Work from Landfall, 1947-1961. Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1962, 24-56. In New Zealand Short Stories, Second Series. Ed. C.K. Stead. London: Oxford UP, 1966, 255-95. In GMC, CS.
Facade. Mate. 4 (1960): 26-33.
Schooldays. Mate. Dec. 1960: 2-11. In GMC, CS.
The Champion. Landfall 20 (1966): 113-25. In GMC, CS.
Down in the World. Landfall 21 (1967): 296-302. In GMC, CS.
A Retired Life. Landfall 23 (1969): 101-16. In GMC, CS.