Encyclopedia > Lacrimosa

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Lacrimosa is a German Gothic rock band led by Tilo Wolff[?] and Anne Nurmi[?]. Their unique musical style mixes heavy metal sounds along with violin, trumpet and more classical instruments, with brilliant compositions from Wolff.

Wolff has a deep, strong voice; many people thinks that his voice and the German language give the perfect sound for Gothic music. Anne balances it with a crystal-clear, pure voice and her skills on the keyboard.


  • 1988 - 1990: Tilo Wolff and Cristian Dorch record two albums that reach very low sales. They begin to use the name "Lacrimosa".
  • 1991: Tilo Wolff founded a new record company called Hall of Sermon, just to edit his own records.
  • 1994: Anne Nurmi joins the band. Tilo's idea was that she will only play keyboard, but with the time she will be a fundamental part of the band.
  • 1998: Lacrimosa's first concert in Mexico. They return to Mexico almost every year since then, building a great relationship with their fans in that country.
  • 1999: The consolidation, with the recording of Elodia, with the Symphonic Orchestra of London.
  • 2001: Fassade brings a softer, purer sound to scene.

There are three important periods: an experimental one, a more metal, heavy period from 1995 followed by a more musical, cleaner period from 1999 to the present.


  • Angst (fear) - 1991
  • Einsamkeit (isolation)- 1992
  • Alles Luge (only lies)- 1993
  • Satura - 1993
  • Schakal (jackal) - 1994
  • Inferno (hell) - 1995
  • Stolzes Herz (proud heart)- 1996
  • Stille (silence) - 1997
  • Live - 1998
  • Alleine zu zweit (alone, in pairs)- 1999
  • Elodia - 1999
  • Der Morgen danach (the morning thereafter) - 2001
  • Fassade (front) - 2001

Their lyrics are mainly about loneliness, sadness, darkness, despair and love.


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