Redirected from Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz/Proposed templates for Wikipedia pages
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First, what are those templates ?
When we write an Wikipedia article/page about for instance a novelist, a
historical figure, a country etc there usually is a set of information that if
missing would make the page incomplete.
One wants to have birth/death date for persons, countries always have a capital
(or two).
We could discuss and agree (let's hope) on some common, indispensable
information sets for some kinds of pages. First, of course, we should agree on
what kind of pages need tempalates at all.
How do we go about those tempalates ?
Please remember that it is not my intention to force anyone to use templates
or to restrict author's freedom in any way.
Perhaps it could be a helpful addition ?
Or it could foster completness of pages and their quality ?
There are, I think, two possible paths we could take.
Some categories that might need templates :
Search Encyclopedia
Featured Article