Encyclopedia > Klagenfurt

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Klagenfurt (Slovenian Celovec) is the capital of the federal state of Carinthia (German Kärnten, Slovenian Koroška) in Austria, on the Glan River[?]. First habitated in the 12th century it currently has a population of approximately 100,000.

It is a popular vacation spot with mountains to both the south and north, numerous parks and a series of 23 castles on it's outskirt. In summer time the city is home to the festival of Altstadtzauber[?] (The Magic of the Old City). The Old City with its centre "Alter Platz" is also worth seeing. Notable landmarks include the Wörthersee[?] lake, the warmest European Alpine lake[?] and the Lindwurm Brunnen[?], a dragon fountain.

Also located here are the University of Klagenfurt[?] and Klagenfurt airport[?]. Among other Austrian educational institutions there is also the Slovenian nonclassical gymnasium.

Famous residents include Jožef Stefan and Robert Musil.

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