Encyclopedia > Jet Li

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Jet Li

Jet Li, 李連杰 pinyin Li3 lian2 jie2, (born April 26, 1963) is a martial artist and actor.

He won the Chinese Wushu national championship five times, which eventually lead to a career as a martial arts movie star, first in mainland China, then in Hong Kong and now in Hollywood. He has made many movies in Hong Kong over the years. His début in Hollywood was in Lethal Weapon 4[?] as a villain. His first leading role in a Hollywood movie was in Romeo must die[?]. After that came Kiss of the dragon[?], The One[?] premièred in North America on November 2, 2001, and his latest movie Cradle 2 the Grave[?] premièred in North America on February 28, 2003.

Some of the more famous of his Chinese language films include: the Shaolin Temple[?] series (1, 2 and 3) - the films that introduced him; the Once Upon a Time in China[?] series (Chinese title: Wong Fei Hung), about the semi-legendary Chinese folk hero; Fist of Legend[?], which was essentially a remake of Bruce Lee's Fist of Fury[?] and the Fong Sai Yuk[?] films, about another Chinese folk hero. He is very athleticly coordinated and most of the stunts performed is his movies are performed by hiself.

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