Encyclopedia > Hippocampus (fish)

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Hippocampus (fish)

photo by NOAA (http://www.noaa.gov)
A hippocampus (or seahorse) is a genus of fish (family Syngnathidae[?]) found in temperate and tropical waters all over the world.

Seahorses range in size from 16 mm (the recently discovered species [1] (http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/science/05/11/tiny.seahorse.reut/index)) to 35 cm. They are notable for being the only species where the males get pregnant. A seahorse pregnancy lasts approximately two to three weeks. Seahorses are also unusual among fishes for being monogamous.

There are approximately 35 known species of seahorse including:

  • H. abdominalis (pot-bellied seahorse) which is found off the coast of New Zealand, and south and east Australia
  • H. algiricus (West African Seahorse)
  • H. angustus (Narrow Bellied Seahorse)
  • H. barbouri (Barbour's seahorse or Zebra-snout seahorse)
  • H. bargibanti (Pygmy Seahorse) which is found in the area of New Caledonia
  • H. borboniensis (Réunion Seahorse)
  • H. breviceps (Short Snouted Seahorse) which is found off the coast of south and east Australia
  • H. camelopardalis (Giraffe Seahorse)
  • H. capensis (Knysna Seahorse)
  • H. comes (Tiger Tail Seahorse) which is found in the Far East
  • H. coronatus (Crowned Seahorse)
  • H. erectus (Lined Seahorse) which is found off the east coast of the Americas, between Nova Scotia and Uruguay
  • H. fisheri (Fisher's Seahorse)
  • H. fuscus (Sea Pony) which is found in the Indian Ocean
  • H. guttulatus (Speckled Seahorse)
  • H. hippocampus (European Seahorse) which is found in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Sea
  • H. histrix (Thorny Seahorse) which is found in the Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, and the Far East
  • H. ingens (Pacific Seahorse) which is found off the Pacific coast coast of North, Central and South America)
  • H. jayakari (Jayakar's Seahorse)
  • H. kelloggi (Great Seahorse)
  • H. kuda (Spotted Seahorse)
  • H. lichtensteinii (Lichtenstein's Seahorse)
  • H. minotaur (Bullneck Seahorse)
  • H. mohnikei (Japanese Seahorse)
  • H. procerus (Hippocampus procerus)
  • H. reidi (Brazilian Seahorse) which is found in the Caribbean in coral reefs
  • H. sindonis (Shiho's seahorse)
  • H. spinosissimus (Hedgehog Seahorse)
  • H. subelongatus (Tigersnout Seahorse or West Australian Seahorse)
  • H. trimaculatus (Three-Spot Seahorse)
  • H. tuberculatus (Knobby Seahorse)
  • H. whitei (White's Seahorse)which is found off the coast of east Australia
  • H. zebra (Zebra Seahorse)
  • H. zosterae (Dwarf Seahorse) which is found in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean)

Seahorse populations have been endangered in recent years by overfishing. The seahorse is used in traditional Chinese medicine. As many as 20 million seahorses a year may be caught and sold for this purpose. [2] (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/seahorse/vincent)

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