Encyclopedia > Hampstead, Quebec

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Hampstead, Quebec

Hampstead is a former town in southwestern Quebec, Canada, on the Island of Montreal; pop. 6,986 (Statistics Canada, 1996).

On January 1, 2002 it joined with Côte-Saint-Luc[?] and Montréal-Ouest[?] as a borough of the City of Montreal.

The Town of Hampstead was founded in 1914. It was designed to be an exclusive garden city[?]. Houses were assigned generous lots to allow maximum space for trees and shrubery. The towns roads were placed on a gradual curve, to escape the impersonal feeling of the grid-iron street layout common in the City of Montreal. The town was named after another garden city, the London suburb of Hampstead Village.

Until the 1950s, only Protestants were allowed to live or own property in Hampstead. Ironically, today only 4% of the population are Protestant, wheras 84% are Jewish and 10% are Catholic.

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