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Greek lexicon

Something I thought might be neat to have. Not a full dictionary, but just a list of some of the words that have prominent derivatives in English or other languages. This could be very cool if we ever got a Greek alphabet, and someone who knows Greek. (Note: if someone who actually knows Greek sees this page, please check the suffixes of the words below, I know of myself that many of them are little more than educated guesses)

Alphabet being used - a b g d e z ê th i k l m n x o p r s t u ph kh ps ô - plus h for breathing (the 'h' is not considered an independent letter in Greek, thus words starting with h are alphabetized under the second letter). Note that in general the Greek 'u' becomes a 'y' when the word is used in English or other modern languages, while a 'k' often becomes a 'c'.

The (modern) Greek alphabet is: Αα, Ββ, Γγ, Δδ, Εε, Ζζ, Ηη, Θθ, Ιι, Κκ, Λλ, Μμ, Νν, Ξξ, Οο, Ππ, Ρρ, Σσς, Ττ, Υυ, Φφ, Χχ, Ψψ Ωω

anêr, andros man (male human)ανήρ, ανδρός
anthos, -ous flower άνθος
anthrôpos, -ou, -o human being άνθρωπος
astêr star αστήρ
autos, -ê, -o self (reflexive pronoun) αυτός, --ή, -ό
barbaros stranger, non-Greek βάρβαρος
bios life βίος
gaia earth γαία
graphein to write γράφειν
gunê woman γυνή
dêmos district, its inhabitants, commoners δήμος
eu well ευ
zoonanimal ζώον
iatros doctor ιατρός
ikhthus fish ιχθύς
kakos, -ê, -on bad κακός, -ή, -ον
kleistos, -h, -onclosed, shutκλειστός, -ή, ον
lithos stone λίθος
logos, -ou, -on
to pick up, count, say
thought, word (verbal noun)
λόγος, -ου, -ον
makros Large μακρός
melas, -aina, -anpigmented, black, inkμέλας, -αίνα, αν
mikros small μικρός
monos, -ê, -on alone, solitary, forsaken μόνος, -η, -ο
neosnew, young νέος
xenosstrange, stranger, guestξένος
oligos, -ê, -on few, little, small ολίγος, -η, -ον
pais boy, child παίς
paideia (or pedia)education, cultureπαιδεία
panall, completeπαν
polus, pollê, polu many, much πολύς, πολλή, πολύ
ris, rinosnose ρίς, ρινός
sauralizard σαύρα
to know
knowledge, wisdom
telefar awayτηλέ
hupnos, -ou, -o sleep ύπνος, -ου, -ο
philos, -ê
φίλος, -η
irrational fear
phiton, -o plant φυτόν, -ό
khaitêloose, flowing hair χαίτη
psikhe spirit, mind, psycheψυχή
---- The table is nice but eta, η, had been é and omega, ω, was ó. based on Perseus. Who changed this? Alphabetical order (English or Greek) would be useful.

Some more Modern Greek words (written in simple Latin transliteration):
home = oikos (Ancient and Modern Greek), spiti (Modern Greek)
Philosophy = filosofia
Physics = fisiki
tree = dentro
computer = ipologistis
electronic = ilektronikos
digital = psifiakos
religion = thriskia
space = diastima
bird = pouli
Internet = diadiktio
network = diktio
drachma = drahmi (drachmi)
euro = evro
gift = doro
sea = thalassa
metaphysics = metafisiki
science = epistimi
scientist = epistimonas
Greece = ellas, ellada
Greek = ellinas (for people), elliniko
god = theos
printer = ektipotis
magazine = periodiko
book = vivlio
mouse = podiki
Chemistry = himia (chimia)
encyclopedia = egiklopedia
France = gallia
Frenchman = gallos
Frenchwoman = gallida
French = galliko, gallika (language)
England = agglia
Englishman = agglos
Englishwoman = agglida
English = aggliko, agglika (language)
America = ameriki
American man = amerikanos
American woman = amerikanida
American = american
China = kina
Chinese man = kinezos
Chinese woman = kineza
Chinese = kineziko, kinezika (language)
Germany = germania
German man = germanos
German woman = germanida
German = germaniko, germanika (language)
Russia = rossia
Japan = iaponia
Spain = ispania
Sweden = souidia
India = india (indhia)
Brazil = vrazilia
Australia = afstralia
Turkey = tourkia
mountain = vouno, oros
plant = fito
flower = louloudi
star = astro
planet = planitis
Astronomy = astronomia
road = dromos
street = odos
right = deksia
left = aristera
sun = ilios
rock = vrahos (vrachos)
old = paleos, palios
old man = geros
old woman = gria
young man = neos
young woman = nea
Christian = hristianos (christianos)
Taoist = taoistis
Buddhist = voudistis
Muslim = mousoulmanos, moamethanos
Jewish = ioudeos
Jew = evreos, ioudeos
picture = ikona
joy, happiness = hara (chara), eutihia (eutichia)
culture = koultoura, politismos
civilisation (civilization) = politismos
ancient = arheos (archeos)
Ancient Greece = arhea ellas (archea ellada)
middle ages, dark ages = meseonas
church = ekklisia
Catholic = katholikos
Iraq = irak
Tibet = thivet
Africa = afriki
Europe = evropi, europi
Asia = asia
Balkans = valkania
Italy = italia
zero (0) = miden (midhen, mi-the-n)
one (1) = ena
two (2) = dio (dhio, the-o)
three (3) = tria (tree-a)
four (4) = tessera
five (5) = pente
six (6) = exi
seven (7) = epta, efta
eight (8) = okto
nine (9) = ennea, ennia
ten (10) = deka (dheka, the-ka)
eleven (11) = edeka, endeka
twelve (12) = dodeka (tho-the-ka)
apostle = apostolos
library = vivliothiki
Mathematics = mathimatika
law = nomos
nation = ethnos
country = hora (chora)
aircraft = aeroskafos
airplane = aeroplano
spacecraft = diastimoplio
moon = selini, feggari
air = aeras
war = polemos
peace = irini (eirini)
text, document = kimeno (keimeno), eggrafo
object = antikimeno
freedom = eleftheria
free = eleftheros
I = ego
you = esi
he = aftos
she = afti
it = afto
we = emis
they = afti (aftoi)
help = voithia
friend = filos (M), fili (F)
friendly = filikos (M), filiki (F), filiko
study = meleti
dictionary = leksiko (lexiko)
body = soma
cat = gata
dog = skilos
fish = psari (Modern Greek), ichthis
ant = mirmigi
barbarian = varvaros
quick = grigoros
slow = arga, argos
turtle = helona (chelona)
sword = ksifos, spathi
knight = ipotis (ippotis)
Tibetan = thivetianos
realism = realismos
if = ean
now = tora
self = eaftos
family = ikogenia (oikogeneia)
economy = ikonomia (oikonomia)
economics = ikonomika (oikonomika)
ecology = ikologia (oikologia)
good = kalos
bad = kakos
loan = danio (daneio)
teacher = daskalos
finger = dahtilo (dachtilo)
yogurt = giaourti
giant = gigantas
carpet = hali (chali)

Note: The word Barbarian (varvaros) in Modern Greek also means "someone without any culture or civilisation, uncivilized".

See also : Greek language

External link:

The Perseus Project, http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/ , has many useful pages for the study of classical languages and literatures, including dictionaries.

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