The term first came into prominence in Western countries during the 1960s to describe the cultural differences between the baby boomers and their parents. Although history had always seen some degree of generational differences, during this era the differences between the two generations magnified significantly in comparison to previous times. There were major differences in such matters as musical tastes, fashion, drug use, and politics. This situation may have been accelerated by the unprecedented size of the young baby boomer generation, which gave them a greater sense of power and influence than had been seen previously, and the younger generation was willing to rebel against society norms to an previously unseen degree.
Several examples of generational differences were prominent during the period. Rock music and soul music, popular among the youth, was mostly detested by their elders. Long hair on young males was frequently seen as a shocking act of rebellion against societal norms by their parents. The large scale protests against the Vietnam War on American college campuses contrasted sharply with the universal national support for World War II that their parents had experienced. Traditional sexual mores were crumbling under the weight of the sexual revolution. Drug use increased among young people, and many youths "dropped out" into the hippie counterculture. While not all of these attributes characterized all young people, the differences were pervasive enough among enough people to cause significant friction in many areas of society.
Baby boomers had a strong sense of generational identity during this period. A common catchphrase of the era among young people was "don't trust anyone over 30." This sentiment was also expressed by The Who, in their anthem "My Generation", in which the narrator sang, "Hope I die before I get old." The influence of the baby boomers was so significant that the entire generation was named "Man of the Year" by Time magazine in 1966.
The term "generation gap" is rarely used today, as generational differences and generational identity are now less significant in Western society than during the 1960s.
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