Equidae is the family of horse-like animals, order
- Equus caballus - domestic horse.
- Equus przewalskii, or Equus ferus przewalskii, or Equus caballus przewalskii - Przewalski's horse, previously found in the wild in Mongolia, still exists in captivity.
- Equus ferus - Tarpan[?] - European wild horse, extinct ancestor of some or all domestic horses.
- Equus asinus - donkey or ass.
- Equus hemionus - onager or half ass
- Equus kiang - Himalayan wild ass
- Equus burchellii - Burchell's zebra or plains zebra.
- Equus grevyi - Grevy's zebra.
- Equus quagga - quagga.
- Equus zebra - mountain zebra.
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