Several busts of the king were used for this denomination, who is shown looking to the right of the coin and is holding the orb and sceptre; the style of the kings' beard varies during the issue. The legend on the obverse reads IACOBUS D G MA BRI FRA ET HI REX -- James by the grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland. The reverse shows a crowned shield which shows the arms of the four countries separating the letters IR -- Iacobus Rex, King James, and the legend FACIAM EOS IN GENTEM UNAM -- I will make them one nation.
Numerous issues of gold unites valued at twenty shillings were produced at the Tower Mint throughout the reign of King Charles I (1625-1649), both when the mint was under the kings' control and under Parliaments' control. They depict the crowned bust of the king on the obverse, looking left, with the value "XX" appearing behind the kings' head, and the legend CAROLUS D G MAG BR FR ET HI REX -- Charles by the grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland. The reverse shows a crown over a shield bearing the royal arms and the legend FLORENT CONCORDIA REGNA -- Through concord kingdoms flourish. During the Civil War, provincial mints produced very rare unites to pay the troops, at Chester, Oxford, Bristol, Exeter, Worcester and Shrewsbury -- some of these unites are unique coins.
Gold unites were also issued during the hammered phase of King Charles II (i.e. 1660-62), showing a left-facing bust of the king wearing a laurel and the legend CAROLUS II D G MAG BRIT FRAN ET HIB REX -- there were two issues, the second indicating the value "XX" behind the kings' head. The reverse shows a crown over the shield with the royal arms dividing the letters "CR" and the legend FLORENT CONCORDIA REGNA. The gold unite was replaced by the milled gold Guinea in 1663, and a twenty shilling coin did not reappear until the Sovereign[?] of 1817.
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