Encyclopedia > David Gunn

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David Gunn

David Gunn became the head of Amtrak in May 2002. He intends to reorganize it for efficiency and profitability.

The following quotes might need copyright clearance (or might be fair use, I'm not sure):

  • Toronto Transit Commission General Manager David Gunn will retire on April
30. He is credited with reducing staff and increasing revenues while dealing with the loss of $100 million in provincial subsidy, to the point where fares are covering 80.4% of costs, up from 69.3% in 1995. However significant drops in ridership and km of bus service operated are causing some concerns. Gunn has focussed on improving track maintenance and equipment on the subway and on rebuilding old buses in the TTC's own maintenance facilities. He has not agreed with some of the expensive subway extensions, which are being imposed by political decisions. He has also opposed politicians demanding better accessibility for transit vehicles. Most politicians including the Toronto mayor and the TTC chair, credit his performance since taking the job in 1995. Early in his mandate he had to deal with the disastrous subway fire on the subway, which claimed 3 lives. Before coming to Toronto, Gunn had held the top transit jobs in New York, Washington, and Philadelphia, but now he plans to retire to rural Nova Scotia and not to seek another position, though Ottawa, where the OC Transpo General Manager was recently fired, could certainly use his services. (source (http://www.flora.org/afo/forum/1736))

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