Encyclopedia > David Cronenberg

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David Cronenberg

David Cronenberg (born March 15, 1943) is a Canadian horror and science fiction film director. He is famous for creating the genre of "body horror", exploring people's fears of bodily transformation and infection. In his films, the psychological is typically intertwined with the physical.

Cronenberg's films follow a definite progression, a movement from the social world to the inner life. In his early films, scientists modify human bodies, which results in social anarchy (E.g. Shivers, Rabid). In his middle period, the chaos wrought by the scientist is more personal, (E.g. The Brood, Scanners, Videodrome). In the later period, the scientist himself is altered by his hubris (E.g. The Fly). This trajectory culiminates in Dead Ringers, in which a twin pair of gynecologists spiral into codependency and drug addiction.

Cronenberg's later films tend more to the psychological, often contrasting subjective and obective realities (eXistenZ, M. Butterfly, Spider.)

Selected filmography

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