In his early appearances on the show, Cookie Monster seemed somewhat scary to younger viewers, as he personified the childhood fear of "being eaten by a monster." However, this fearsome image did not last long, and Cookie Monster is known as one of the most lovable and huggable monsters on Sesame Street.
Books: Happy Birthday, Cookie Monster, Cookie Monster's Kitchen[?], Cookie Monster's Christmas[?], Biggest Cookie in the World[?], Cookie Monster and the Cookie Tree[?], Cookie Monster's Good Time to Eat[?], Cookie Monster's Blue Book[?], Cookie Monster, Where are You?[?], Cookie Monster![?], Cookie Monster's Activity Book[?], Cookie Monster Mammoth Color[?], Cookie Monster's Book of Cookie Shapes[?], Monster and the Surprise Cookie[?]
See also: Cookie Monster Munch, Sesame Street- Cookie Monster's Best Bites[?], Monster Hits- Cookie's Best Bit[?]
[from the children's TV program "Sesame Street"] Any of a family of early (1970s) hacks reported on TOPS-10[?], ITS[?], Multics, and elsewhere that would lock up either the victim's terminal (on a time-sharing machine) or the console (on a batch mainframe), repeatedly demanding "I WANT A COOKIE". The required responses ranged in complexity from "COOKIE" through "HAVE A COOKIE" and upward. Folklorist Jan Brunvand (see FOAF) has described these programs as urban legends (implying they probably never existed) but they existed, all right, in several different versions. See also wabbit[?]. Interestingly, the term 'cookie monster' appears to be a retcon; the original term was cookie bear.
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